Dual licensure means holding licenses in more than one professional field or in multiple states. For example, a healthcare professional might hold licenses as both a nurse and a physician assistant or in multiple states. While this can create more opportunities, it...
Firm News
What is the Mississippi Fresh Start Program?
A criminal conviction can cause many issues in your professional life. Employers can fully use it against you, and when it comes to professional licenses, it can make it impossible to get one. However, the state has created a law to help you. According to the...
What nursing jobs do you qualify for with a suspended license?
A negative report to the Mississippi State Board of Medical Licensure or another negative circumstance led to the loss of your nursing license. While you plan to fight the situation, you must still make a living. Chron explains job options for nurses who no longer...
What are the penalties for nursing license violations?
As a condition of your licensure to practice nursing, you must adhere to certain personal and professional standards. While low-risk issues, such as having frequent disputes with coworkers or regularly showing up late for your shift, may affect your employment more...
Refusing or contesting a DEA search of a medical practice
The U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency requires regular reporting from and inspections of facilities as a prerequisite to maintaining a license. But according to the U.S. Department of Justice, DEA inspectors must adhere to strict protocols for these encounters. Licensees...
What could make a DUI offense either a misdemeanor or a felony?
A first-time offense for driving under the influence generally results in a misdemeanor charge in Mississippi. If convicted for a first-time or second-time DUI misdemeanor, you may see your driver's license suspended or an ignition interlock device installed in your...
Can teen shoplifting be prevented?
No parent wants to believe that their child would participate in shoplifting. However, many teens are cited for this crime, which can then lead to a legal record that could follow your child for life. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to deter your child from...
What do you know about an unreasonable search and seizure?
Say that police pulled you over for running a stoplight. While you admit to running the light, you did not consent to the officer searching your vehicle. Did the officer have valid legal grounds for looking through your vehicle without your permission? Cornell Law...
Does Mississippi have an ignition interlock law?
All states in the union have laws against drunk driving, but the laws differ between states. In the state of Mississippi, it is important to be aware of ignition interlock device laws if you are dealing with a DUI conviction. Like many states, Mississippi does have...
How your criminal record affects security clearance
As a service member, you may have access to classified information. If you have criminal charges in your background, these charges might affect your eligibility for security clearance. To receive security clearance, you typically have to meet the National Security...