In Mississippi, there are laws in place to prevent property damage due to vandalism. Unfortunately, vandalism is a crime that many youths often engage in. They are usually not aware of the fact that vandalism can be a misdemeanor or even felony. First, you must know...
Month: January 2020
What are field sobriety tests?
Mississippi law enforcement may give field sobriety tests to people suspected of DUI. They may use standardized or non-standardized tests. There are important things to understand about each individual type of test. First, only standardized field sobriety tests have a...
Theft, robbery, burglary: How are they different?
If you find yourself charged with allegedly committing some sort of a personal property crime in Mississippi, the precise charge could take a variety of forms. Virtually all crimes of this nature have to do with theft, and theft itself constitutes one of them. FindLaw...
Questioning the reliability of breath test devices
Police officers in Mississippi and across the nation use roadside breath test devices to measure motorists’ blood alcohol content level. If law enforcement ever pulls you over on suspicion of drunk driving, officers may ask you to submit to one of these tests. Yet,...
How does an IID work?
If you have been arrested for and charged with a drunk driving offense in Mississippi, you may feel very scared and unsure of what to expect next. First, you should remember that being arrested does not mean that you will automatically be convicted of the crime you...
Debt management tips to protect security clearance
There are many service members in Mississippi that are struggling to repay debt. Civilians struggle with this problem too, but it affects military families at much higher rates. Military people also have more to fear from debt than civilians. This is because debt is...