Recently, Mississippi law enforcement pulled you over on suspicion of drunk driving. You consented to a breath test, but were the results that led to your DUI accurate?
Business Insider explores the inaccuracy of alcohol breath analyzers. Learn how you could contest the result of your breath test.
Incorrect breath test results
While different alcohol breath tests exist, any of them may produce inaccurate results for several reasons. For instance, the officer who administered your test may have set up the device inaccurately, or law enforcement may not properly maintain equipment. Experts do not approve all available breath analyzers, and some officers disable certain safeguarding features that throw off results.
Refusing to take a breath test
While you have the right to refuse to take an alcohol breath analyzer, doing so could do more harm than good. All states punish motorists who do not want to take a breath test. Refusing may mean that you do not have to worry about inaccurate results, but you could face a different punishment for noncompliance. Feeling backed into a corner, motorists may feel they have little choice but to consent and hope for the most favorable outcome.
Wrongly convicted
Inaccurate breath analyzer results may lead to an unjust DUI conviction. You may already be familiar with the fallout of a DUI charge, such as license suspension, paying expensive fees and having a hard time keeping a job because you do not have reliable transportation.
Discarding results
If you build a solid case and prove the inaccuracy of your results, the court may throw out the charge. If so, you could regain your driving privileges.